There are only two weeks remaining in this semester. While at times it may have seemed to drag by, at others it seemed to speed by.

As you prepare to complete final papers, final projects, final exams, etc., are you also thinking ahead to the time you’ll have off between the fall and spring semesters? What will you do with your time off? Are you traveling during the time between fall and spring semesters?  Have you completed your holiday shopping? What are some of your/your family’s holiday traditions? What do you most look forward to at this time of the year?

(Remember, your posts must be a minimum of 250 words).

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Thanksgiving is next week. Other than being a break from school, I want you to take a moment (or two) to give thanks for the people, places, things, etc. you are grateful for (minimum of 10) and why.





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Write a review of your favorite TV show – without giving away any spoilers. Explain to your readers what drew you to the show and why you continue to watch it. Write in such a way to persuade others to also want to watch this program. Include when it airs (night and time), as well as the station/channel, and the show’s hashtag. Do you participate in live tweeting during the show? Why/why not?


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The day many children look forward to is upon us…time for dressing up as various characters and going door to door to ask strangers for candy.

Do you still dress up and attend a party for Halloween? Do you pass out candy to trick or treaters…are you still participating in the gathering of candy? Do you carve a pumpkin to place or your porch?

What is your favorite memory of Halloween when you were a child? Do you have any good stories when you were “tricking” someone and got caught?

If you have a picture (and it’s appropriate) of Halloween past, please share it.

(Remember, your posts must be a minimum of 250 words).

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Virtually everyone has a smartphone today and on those phones are a variety of apps from music to maps to games and more. According to this article, the number one most used app isFacebook. Do you agree with this top 10 list? Do you have all of the apps on the list? What apps would be in your top 10 and why? Which app(s) do you use most often?

What is an app you believe needs to be created? What would it include? Why do you think it’s important for it to be developed?



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The Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair is being held this week at the fairgrounds on Highway 67 (aka Fair Road).

What are your favorite memories as a child of fairs you have attended? What are/were your favorite rides? Food? Are you planning to attend the fair this week (did you attend the fair)? If so, discuss your reasons for attending. If did not attend/aren’t planning to attend, why not? If you did attend, what did you do while at the fair?

What could be done to better publicize the fair? What suggestions for improvement can you offer for their website?


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It’s homecoming week at Georgia Southern! What activities are you participating? Why? Are there some you won’t, why? Are you attending or participating in the parade? Are you helping promote someone for homecoming court? What parts of homecoming week do you like most/least? If you could offer one suggestion to improve homecoming week, what would it be? Will you attend the football game? Why/why not?

Once you are an alum of Georgia Southern, do you plan to come back for homecoming weekend? Why/why not?



Remember, your blog post must be a minimum of 250 words.

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Superhero movies and cartoons have been around for years. From Wonder Woman and her lasso of truth to Thor and his hammer and so many more. If you could have super powers, which superhero power(s) would you want to have? Why did you choose those? What power(s) would you not want to have and why?


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How many of you have a favorite musician/band you would love to see perform live? For this week’s blog post, in a minimum of 250 words, explain what musical artist(s) you would recommend (and why) coming to perform at Paulson Stadium. And, since you’re in a PR writing class, describe how you would publicize this event to not only the students, but to the surrounding communities as well (i.e. Statesboro, Savannah, etc.).


Remember, you must post your response on your blog and your response must be a minimum of 250 words.

If you were to become stranded on a deserted island, what are the three things (not people) you would want to have with you? Why?
In addition to what you would bring, who is one person you’d want to be stranded with? Why?



Remember, you must post your response on your blog and your response must be a minimum of 250 words.



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