April 2016


This topic is for both PRCA 3330 & PRCA 3334

For your final blog of the semester I have a few questions for you to reflect on and construct your blog around.

* What were the highs and the lows of the semester (in your respective course)?

*What would you want to change & why?

*Which assignment did you like most/least? Why?

*If you could add an assignment to your course, what would you recommend?

*What have you learned that you will take with you into the next semester?

*For those of you who are graduating, what will you take with you into your first job outside college?


Image from: http://davidosmond.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/the-end.jpg


This topic is for both PRCA 3330 & PRCA 3334

Write a review of your favorite TV show – without giving away any spoilers. Explain to your readers what drew you to the show and why you continue to watch it. Write in such a way to persuade others to also want to watch this program. Include when it airs (night and time), as well as the station/channel.


Image from: http://www.investtoronto.ca/InvestAssets/Images/Articles/bt-film-and-television.jpg


This topic is for PRCA 3334 – Social Media & PR

Read the following articles, then discuss these questions:

Celebrities have been using social media along with everyone else for quite some time. Which celebrities do you follow? Why did you choose to follow them? Have you unfollowed a celebrity? If so, why?

Of the celebrities you follow, or followed, select three and state what rating (A-F) you you give them in terms of how they used social media to connect with their fanbase. Explain the rating.

One of the following articles discusses Will Ferrell using his celebrity to raise money for charity. Have any of the celebrities you follow used social media to raise money for charity? If so, did you donate to their cause? Why/why not? Do you think some celebrities are able to get others to donate based on their celebrity status?

If your favorite celebrity is not on social media, or not very active, if you worked for them/their agent how would you pitch the idea of using social media to connect with their fans?





Image from http://www.digitalsherpa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/social-media-marketing1.jpg


This topic is for PRCA 3330 – PR Writing.


Read this article, then discuss the following questions on your blog.

Who would you consider to be an influencer (a “regular” person) for your client? Why? How do you know they are an influencer?

If you were to suggest a “celebrity” to be an influencer for your client, who would you recommend and why? What could this person do to help your organization?

Remember, you must post your response on your blog.

Image from: http://digimind.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/influencer.jpg

using_social_mediaThis topic is for PRCA 3330 – PR Writing.

Since you began your tweeting for a week, this week’s blog is also about social media.

According to this article from Media Post, teens and tweens are so obsessed with their phones they experience FOMO. Do you agree or disagree with the statements and/or statistics in the article? Why? Thinking back to your time in high school, how attached were you to your phone? How often were you using social media? Has your social media use declined or grown since leaving high school? How?


Image from: https://az598155.vo.msecnd.net/wp-uploads/2015/01/111111_social_media.jpg


This topic is for PRCA 3334 – Social Media & PR

Last week’s discussion post asked whether or not disconnecting from social media was a possibility. Many of you indicated you did not think it was a possibility in today’s world.

This week you will take a 24 hour break (that means 24 hours in a row, not here and there) from social media (not email and texting, just your social media like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). Following that 24 hour period, write your blog and answer the following questions.

How hard was it to select the 24 hour window to complete this assignment? Why? What did you miss most about not connecting with your friends and family on social media during this time? Would you be able to unplug for longer than 24 hours? Why/why not?

Remember, you must post your response on your blog.

Image from https://grooverpr.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/2deab-8d8aaa1df9c3e4323e4df23ea171b9bf.jpg